Title: Theatre for Dummies: A Post-Apunkalyptic Play
Presented By: Lottie Nella
Genre: Musical Theatre
Synopsis: Theatre for Dummies is a 45-minute musical written by Lottie Nella that explores the value of art and creativity in a post-apocalyptic, kind-of-functioning society.
Audition Date: 13th-15th March (in-person)
Audition Location: Visible Ink Youth Hub, Fortitude Valley
Audition Self-Tape Due (if applicable): Submissions close Midnight, 23rd March
Audition Requirements:
Prepare a contemporary monologue.
16-bar cut of a song.
Audition Registration: Email lottienella@outlook.com or contact via Instagram @theatrefordummies
Audition Pack: Available here
Available Roles:
JACK INGOFF: Older brother to MIKE OXLONG, 14 years old, extremely bogan with a terrible Aussie accent. Casting any age, gender, ethnicity. Tenor-adjacent.
MIKE OXLONG: Younger brother to JACK INGOFF, 12 years old, same accent as his brother, timid but goofy and playful. Casting any age, gender, ethnicity. Tenor-adjacent.
THE LIBRARIAN: Parent to JACK and MIKE, crazy and theatrical, speaking in Elizabethan, literature quotes, and random broken rhythm poetry. Casting any age, gender, ethnicity. Range to suit actor.
THE BARD: Optimistic, stubborn, curious storyteller from a town without art. Casting any age, gender, ethnicity. Range to suit actor.
THE LUTE: Silver-tongued, bored, pessimistic, former great musician turned washed up. Loves playing with the fact that people can’t see their physical body. Casting any age, gender, ethnicity. Range to suit actor.
Performance Dates: Late July / Early August (dates TBD)
Performance Location: TBD
Rehearsal Dates: Starting in April, spanning 15-16 weeks
