Title: The Mayne Inheritance
Presented By: Bent Productions
Genre: Drama / Mystery / Historical Thriller
Synopsis: The Mayne Inheritance by Errol O'Neill tells the captivating true story of Patrick Mayne, a poor Irishman who emigrated to Australia in the 1840s and rose to become one of Brisbane’s wealthiest men. As a butcher, landowner, and councillor, he left behind a complicated legacy marked by a deathbed confession of murder. This Gothic Australian play delves into the chilling repercussions of Mayne’s actions on his family, as his descendants grapple with the haunting truth and the social consequences of their patriarch’s dark legacy. Inspired by Rosamond Siemon’s book, The Mayne Inheritance explores themes of history, murder, and colonial society through a psychological thriller that spans generations.
Audition Date: Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
Audition Location and Address: Paddington, Brisbane (Address to be confirmed upon registration)
Audition Requirements:
Details will be provided in the audition pack
Ability to portray multiple characters, as each actor will play both main and smaller roles
Audition Registration: Email bentproductions24@gmail.com to request an audition pack and register for your spot
Warnings: Contains mature themes related to murder, family secrets, and psychological tension.