Title: Agatha Christie's Murder on the Nile
Presented By: Nash Theatre
Genre: Mystery/Drama
Synopsis: Kay Ridgeway has always lived a charmed life. With her stunning beauty, immense wealth, and a new husband, she sets off on a honeymoon cruise down the Nile. However, what begins as a picturesque journey soon turns deadly when a brutal murder shatters the tranquillity of their voyage.
Audition Date: Sunday, 25th August 2024
Audition Time: 11:00 AM
Audition Location and Address: The Play Shed, 4 Amity Street, New Farm, QLD
Audition Requirements: No prepared piece required. Cold read from the script.
Contact Information:
Director: Sharon White
Email: sharon_white_@hotmail.com
Phone: 0400 964 184
Website: Link
Performance Dates: 15th November - 7th December 2024
Performance Location and Address: The Brunswick Room, Merthyr Road Uniting Church, 52 Merthyr Road, New Farm, QLD
Available Roles: Open auditions are held for all roles. We welcome both experienced performers and newcomers.
Kay Mostyn (Mid to Late 30’s) is a beautiful, wealthy, and entitled woman with a manner of one born to command. She is married to Simon, who was engaged to her best friend Jacqueline de Severac.
Simon Mostyn (Mid to Late 30’s) Kay’s husband and a charming Englishman with a secretive side. While protective of Kay, his true motives may come into question as the plot unfolds. Notably, he was previously engaged to Jacqueline.
Jacqueline de Severac (Mid to Late 30’s) While engaged to Simon she asked her friend Kay to help him find a job, but their plans took an unexpected turn when Simon and Kay fell in love. Feeling betrayed, Jackie maintains a facade of cool composure, yet beneath this lies a determination and passion as she relentlessly pursues the newlyweds on their honeymoon.
Canon Pennefather (50’s to 60’s) is an imposing clergyman, is Kay’s guardian and was her father’s best friend. Throughout the play, he takes on the role of the detective, listening, observing, and offering advice, often unsolicited, to everyone onboard as he investigates the murder and uncovers the truth.
Helen FFoliot-Ffoulkes (60’s) She is narcissistic, wealthy, and snobbish who exudes an air of entitlement. She treats her great-niece, Christina, like a servant and consistently makes every situation about herself.
Christina Grant (30’s) Miss FFoliot-FFoulkes’s great-niece and companion, is a sweet and sensible young woman with endless patience. Despite her demanding aunt’s expectations of utter obedience, Christina maintains an even-tempered disposition.
William Smith (Mid to Late 30’s) a charismatic socialist with a disdain for the upper class. His unkempt appearance belies his refined voice, hinting at his hidden background. He is smitten with Christina and becomes fiercely protective of her.
Louise (20’s) the French maid. She has keen perception and sees more than meets the eye, often using her knowledge to her advantage.
Dr. Bessner (Late 30’s) He is a mysterious doctor of unknown origin, claiming to hail from a small country in Europe and speaking some German. He specialises in psychology and mental disorders. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that he harbours a deep-seated grudge against Kay’s father.
The Steward (30 + : requires an actor of colour) a Nubian by origin, serves as the ship’s greeter and primary server of passengers. Always wearing a smile, he exudes amiability and charm, though he only understands about a quarter of what the passengers say to him, he navigates his role with patience and diplomacy, all while maintaining his friendly demeanour.
McNaught (50+ : Small Role) serves as the ship’s captain.
For further information or to register your interest, please contact the director.
