About Backbone Ensemble: Backbone Ensemble is a transformative 30-week program aimed at nurturing the performance-making skills of young artists aged 18-30. We're looking to hear from emerging artists from any performance discipline. Led by experienced facilitators Stephen Quinn and Fen Carter, this immersive program offers skill-building workshops, collaborative devising sessions, and a culminating performance at Backbone Festival 2024.
Location: Seven Hills Hub, 28 Tallowwood Street, Seven Hills 4170
Dates: Tuesdays, April 16th - November 5th, with additional sessions around Backbone Festival (October 11th - 26th, 2024)
Time: Weekly sessions from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Cost: $300 (Payment plans and scholarships available)
Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024
Audition Process:
Complete the Registration Form: Fill out the application form by the deadline.
Attend Audition Session: Tuesday, April 9th, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Prepare Your Audition:
A short monologue (<2 mins.) by a writer other than yourself.
A unique showcase piece (<2 mins.) demonstrating your talent or skill.
Notification of Outcomes: Applicants will be informed of outcomes by Friday, April 12th, 2024.
Additional Information: For more details about Backbone Ensemble and the audition process, visit our website: Backbone Ensemble Info
Contact: For inquiries or alternative application methods (e.g., video submission), reach out to us at info@backbone.org.au.
Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your performance skills and collaborate with fellow emerging artists. Apply now to be part of Backbone Ensemble 2024!