Embark on a theatrical journey with Villanova Players Theatre as they present auditions for "Away," a compelling play written by Australian playwright Michael Gow. Directed by Helen Ekundayo, this production promises to weave a captivating narrative of three families grappling with internal conflicts during a Christmas holiday in 1968, disrupted by a massive storm.
Date: Saturday, 16 March 2024
Venue: Ron Hurley Theatre, 28 Tallowwood St, Seven Hills QLD 4170
June 14th - 23rd, 2024
Rehearsals: Usually on Sunday afternoons, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings (final schedule to be confirmed based on cast availability)
Tom: Male, about 17, just finished Year 11, diagnosed with Leukemia
Meg: Female, about 17, fond of Tom
Harry: Male, 40-60, Tom's father, British migrant
Vic: Female, 40-60, Tom's mother, British migrant
Jim: Male, 40-60, Meg's father, Australian, quiet and put upon
Gwen: Female, 40-60, Meg's mother, Australian, forthright, expects a lot from her family
Roy: Male, 45-65, School Principal, lost his son in the Vietnam War
Coral: Female, 40-65, Roy's wife, mourning the death of her son in the Vietnam War, suffering from depression
Ensemble: Small ensemble of campers (any age or gender), Rick (young man at the Hotel), and Leonie (young woman at the Hotel)
No need for monologue preparation; cold reads of script excerpts will be conducted.
People of all backgrounds and ages (as a guide) are encouraged to audition. For more information, email info@villanovaplayers.com or call 0423 920 832.