Title: Bondi Legal
Presented By: ILT
Genre: Legal Comedy-Drama
Synopsis: Bondi Legal is a comedic legal drama set in Bondi Beach. The story revolves around the loud-mouthed and aggressive proprietor of a legal practice, Frank Bailey, who is completely self-absorbed. The plot follows the interactions between Frank, his indecisive and panic-prone lawyer Brad Pitt (whose name is a constant source of disbelief), the elegant and gentle Frances Denyer, and the no-nonsense Magistrate Newman, who despite her permanent scowl is ironically nicknamed "Smiley."
Audition Date: Monday, 29 July 2024
Audition Time: 7:30 pm
Audition Location and Address: Ipswich Little Theatre, 15 Burley Griffin Dr, Ipswich QLD
Available Roles:
Frank Bailey: (50-60) Loud-mouthed, aggressive proprietor of Bondi Beach Legal practice. He is totally self-absorbed and cares little for the plight of others.
Brad Pitt: (30-40) A lawyer who finds it difficult to decide if he is a man or a mouse. Completely lacking in self-confidence, he is prone to panic attacks. And no one believes he is Brad Pitt.
Frances Denyer: (30-40) An elegant, attractive woman who is a caring and gentle soul.
Magistrate Newman: (50-70) A judicial officer who has a no-nonsense approach to the conduct of cases and wears a permanent scowl on her face, but is nicknamed “Smiley”.
One Male Actor to Play Three Small Roles
Audition Registration: Complete the form at ILR Audition Form Link
Performance Dates: 20 November to 7 December 2024
Creative Team:
Director: Chris Austin Greenhill
Assistant Director: Liz Ball
Other Information: For further information, including perusal scripts, contact Chris on 0427 977 007 or via email.